by Rachael Sarsfield Ryan | Oct 17, 2023 | NStEP News, Student Engagement Resources, Student Training Programme, Students, Uncategorized
NStEP is delighted to announce the launch of a new online module: ‘Governance and Student Representation‘. NStEP’s online self-study modules form a core component of the Student Training Programme, which can be accessed via the Student Portal on our website. Students...
by Rachael Sarsfield Ryan | Sep 4, 2023 | Meet the Student Trainers!, Student Training Programme, Students, Uncategorized
The National Student Engagement Programme is delighted to announce that bookings are now being accepted for Introductory Class Rep Training for the 2023-24 academic year. This training is ideal for reps who are new to the role, reps who have not yet completed the...
by Hannah Kelly | May 30, 2023 | Get Involved, NStEP News, Uncategorized
We have extended the call for new Case Studies to join our Student Engagement Hub, the new deadline for Submissions is June 22nd. Early this year, NStEP launched a new resources hub for student engagement. The hub showcases best practices in student engagement from...
by Rachael Sarsfield Ryan | Apr 26, 2023 | Get Involved, NStEP News, Student Training Programme, Uncategorized
The 2023 Call for NStEP Student Trainers has opened! We are seeking enthusiastic, approachable and innovative students to join the NStEP team to deliver training across the country in academic year 2023/24. Student trainers play a vital role in NStEP’s work to foster...
by Hannah Kelly | Mar 14, 2023 | NStEP News, Uncategorized, vacancy
Appointment of a Development Coordinator for the Student Engagement, Belonging and Wellbeing Project The National Student Engagement Programme (NStEP) now seek applications for the post of Development Coordinator on a fixed-term 18-month contract to work on...
by Rachael Sarsfield Ryan | Feb 1, 2023 | NStEP News, Student Engagement Resources, Student Training Programme, Uncategorized
The National Student Engagement Programme is delighted to announce that bookings are now open for Representing Diversity, Introductory and Advanced Class Rep Training for the spring semester! Representing Diversity is aimed at class reps, and students more broadly...