The Student Training Programme
Developing the leadership capabilities of students in Irish higher education through training has been central to NStEP’s work since the very beginning. Our Introductory Class Rep Training module has been the cornerstone of the Student Training Programme, and to date over 6,000 students have been trained by NStEP.
Developed in partnership with sparqs in 2016, it formed the basis for the majority of training opportunities offered up to the spring semester of 2020. NStEP embarked on an ambitious programme to enhance its student training programme in 2020, and now we offer 4 student trainer-led modules, online self-study modules, an awards scheme, and other development opportunities to support students in a variety of engagement and partnership contexts.
Scroll down to learn more about the training we offer!
Introductory Class Rep Training
NStEP has trained thousands of student representatives (class reps) since its training programme was piloted in 2016. Originally developed in partnership with sparqs, NStEP extensively evaluated and revised the content of its Introductory Class Rep Training modules in the 2022-23 academic year. Feedback from participants has consistently highlighted its value, with 98% of class reps trained in 2022/2023 reporting that they would recommend the training to their peers.
Introductory Class Rep Training is best suited to new student representatives, or those who have not completed NStEP training in the past. Browse the sections below to learn more about this training module.
Introductory Class Rep Training introduces student representatives to key areas, concepts, and tools that include:
- A discussion of student engagement and partnership
- The responsibilities and importance of the class rep role
- NStEP’s work across the sector and the support / resources it offers for class reps
- A revised ‘Student Learning Experience’ tool with enhanced emphasis on practical application for class reps
- The Feedback Cycle
- Strategies for gathering student opinion and feedback
- The ABCD of Effective Feedback as a tool for communicating feedback to staff
- Guidance on how to prepare for and participate in meetings
- The importance of closing the feedback loop
Format and Delivery
Training is led by our team of experienced trainers. Introductory Class Rep Training can be delivered either in-person with our student trainers travelling across the country to your campus, or delivered online via Zoom. We strongly recommend that individual training sessions are capped at 35 reps to ensure everyone has an opportunity to participate in discussions and engage with content.
Online sessions will last for 90 minutes. In-person sessions will last between 90 to 120 minutes.
Please note: for in-person training sessions, we ask that you email your request at least two weeks in advance of your preferred training date.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify and describe student engagement within the context of the class rep role.
- Describe and discuss the ‘Student Learning Experience’ and its use as a tool for collecting and evaluating feedback.
- Explain the feedback cycle and discuss methods for gathering, acting upon, and reporting feedback.
- Outline and apply the ABCD method for communicating effective feedback.
“NStEP’s Introductory Class Rep Training is fantastic and I can’t recommend it enough. The student trainers are super enthusiastic and try to make the training as engaging as possible, whether it’s by getting people to talk in break-out groups or discussing their own experiences as a class rep. The materials themselves are easy to understand and remember, and come in a variety of forms. Our reps particularly liked the animated video examples, as it broke up the training session and showed great examples of situations reps find themselves in. As a previous rep myself and as an Education Officer, I’ve taken this training multiple times and I always learn something new!”
Rachael Sarsfield Ryan – Deputy President and Education Officer, IADTSU (2020 – 2022)
“NStEP Introductory Class Rep Training was very beneficial and all the verbal feedback from class reps afterwards was positive! I appreciated the interactive / college specific elements. The two trainers were absolutely amazing and gave lots of feedback and advice specific to our college. Would absolutely bring them back in a heartbeat!”
Kimberly Austin – President, St. Angela’s College Students’ Union (2022 – 2023)
Feedback from participants:
“The trainers created an atmosphere of trust and really gave the opportunity to not only learn the necessary skills, but also share and further our own (practical) experience.”
“Our trainer was fantastic. I wish my lectures flew as quickly as this training did, an hour and a half felt like no time at all! Great use of engagement, hearing feedback, use of videos and slides. Training was very fluid and information was well laid out and easily understood.”
“The training was very insightful. The same problems other reps shared have come up in my own course and its nice to know my class aren’t alone in trying to find solutions.
“I really enjoyed the training. There was a lot of information shared in a small space of time, and I feel I’ll make good use of what I’ve learned.”
“The training was very effective and I look forward to expanding my skills as an academic representative.”
“The training was really fun, didn’t feel like a typical boring training session. Felt like a good chat with friends!”
I am a Class Rep and was unable to participate in training at my institution/students' union. How can I sign up for Introductory Class Rep Training?
NStEP runs a number of ‘open’ Introductory Class Rep Training sessions toward the end of each semester. Any student representative from NStEP’s network of participating instituions/SUs may register to attend.
To book training for yourself, please click here: ‘Book Training’
How can I book training for class reps at my institution or students' union (for staff/officers)?
Participating institutions and students’ unions may book Introductory Class Rep Training by contacting or by using the training request form.
Check if your higher education institution or students’ union participates in NStEP here: ‘Participating Institutions‘.
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Options
NStEP offers a general Introductory Class Rep Training session for mixed groups of undergraduate and postgraduate taught reps.
However, we are able to organise a session specifically for postgraduate reps upon request.
Advanced Class Rep Training
Advanced Class Rep Training is designed for returning or experienced reps who have previously completed Introductory Class Rep Training. This training explores tools to navigate challenges in the learning community as well as the LAPS strategy for embedding effective leadership, communication, partnership, and succession planning into the rep role.
Advanced Class Rep Training is built upon two core themes: (1) navigating challenges in the learning community and (2) using the LAPS strategy to develop long-term success in the role. Key topics include:
- Navigating challenging interactions, environments, and systems in higher education.
- Using empathy and reframing techniques to address challenges in the learning community
- Transformational leadership in the class rep role
- Effective communication as a class rep
- How to develop student-staff partnerships
- Succession planning during your time as a class rep
Learning Outcomes
After completing the student briefing, participants will be able to:
- Identify and discuss three core areas where challenges are encountered in a learning community
- Apply reframing and empathy techniques as a tool for navigating challenges
- Outline the LAPS strategy and explain how it can be used support the rep role
- Identify NStEP resources that can support your work as a rep
Format and Delivery
This training is offered online in a 90-minute Zoom training session, and is led by members of our experienced team of student trainers.
Class Reps can book a space on this module here: ‘Book Training‘
Training Resources & Matierals
All training resources and materials can be found here: ‘Advanced Class Rep Training Resources‘
This training was developed in 2021, through a co-creation project with NStEP Student Trainers Caróg Green, Sarah Kelly, Clara McDonald, and Chloe O’Neill. Feedback from roll-out during the 2022/23 academic year was overwhelmingly positive, with 100% of reps completing feedback forms saying they would recommend the training to their peers.
Representing Diversity Training
Representing Diversity training will build on the skills acquired from Introductory Class Rep Training, and introduces tools and resources that will help student representatives effectively represent their diverse classmates and empower fellow students from all backgrounds and lived experiences to get involved in student engagement in decision-making. Class reps have a crucial role in ensuring that higher education is an inclusive and welcoming place, where every voice is heard and every student can become involved in shaping their learning experience.
Representing Diversity Training Programme introduces student representatives to key areas, concepts and tools that include:
- An introduction to unconscious bias and recognising your own biases
- Understanding racism and discrimination
- Accessible and inclusive language
- Intersectionality and how intersectionality impacts students’ experiences in higher education
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and the benefits for increasing student engagement
- Supports and Signposting: Class Rep spheres of influence and knowing who to turn to with queries
Learning Outcomes
After completing the student briefing, participants will be able to:
- Recognise how to represent their diverse peer group
- Apply tools, resources and key concepts to the class rep role to represent their diverse peer group effectively
- Identify and express the importance of diversity within student engagement practices
- Understand the need to empower students from diverse backgrounds through their work as a student rep
Format and Delivery
This training is offered online in a 90-minute Zoom training session, and is led by members of our experienced team of student trainers.
Class Reps can book a space on this module here: ‘Book Training‘
Training Resources and Materials
All training resources and materials can be found here: ‘Representing Diversity Training Resources‘
This training was developed by NStEP Student Associate, Muireann Nic Corcráin, as part of a project focusing on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in student engagement which aimed to develop resources for students and staff to understand the develop of inclusive practices within student engagement in decision-making.
Institutional Review Student Briefings
(for students taking part in Quality Assurance processes)
NStEP has a dedicated pool of Student Quality Assurance Reviewers who participate as student QA panel members across a range of QA processes. The QA Pool is a partnership between Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and the Union of Students in Ireland (USI).
NStEP also offers student-led training and briefing sessions for students participating in QA processes, such as Institutional Reviews. This new training option was piloted with IT Carlow (now the South East Technological University) in June 2020. We are happy to work with institutions participating in NStEP to develop bespoke sessions to support students involved in internal quality assurance processes.
To book this training please email to discuss your training needs.
We ask that you email your request at least two weeks in advance of your preferred training date.
- A discussion of student engagement and partnership
- An introduction to quality assurance and quality enhancement, and the role students play in these processes
- An introduction to the structure of the review process
- The ‘Student Learning Experience’ as a reflective tool
- Representing the broader student voice
- The ABCD of Effective Feedback as a tool for communicating feedback to staff
- A guest speaker – typically a student who has formerly participated in quality assurance/enhancement processes
Learning Outcomes
After completing the student briefing, participants will be able to:
- Identify and describe student engagement, and how it relates to Quality Assurance and Quality Enhancement
- Describe and consider the Student Learning Experience
- Outline and apply the ABCD method for communicating effective feedback
- Consider the experience of student participation in quality reviews
Format and Delivery
Student briefings are peer-led by one of our experienced student trainers, and are delivered online using Zoom.
Duration: 90 Minutes
To book this training please email to discuss your training needs.
We ask that you email your request at least two weeks in advance of your preferred training date.
Training Resources & Materials
All training resources and materials can be found here: ‘Institutional Review Student Briefing Resources‘