Resources for Student Engagement during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Supporting effective student engagement during the Covid-19 pandemic will be difficult for staff and students across higher education. The NStEP Report on Institutional Approaches and accompanying Quick Guides found below provides tips and pointers on maintaining meaningful lines of communication, feedback and engagement between staff and students. All of these resources are designed to assist staff and students during the crisis to find short-term solutions, while also to begin preparing for more medium and long-term developments, recognising that the consequences of the pandemic will not be short-lived.

Institutional Approaches to Student Engagement during Covid-19

This short Report provides guidance and tips on maintaining some level of formal or systematic approach to student engagement during the Covid-19 shutdown of higher education. The Report takes a particular focus on five key areas of decision-making where student engagement would normally have occurred regularly in formal, semi-formal and informal ways before the pandemic began. These five key areas are the module-level, programme-level, departments, professional support units, and at the institutional-level.  Senior managers, programme leaders, professional support staff and student representatives may find this Report particularly useful, depending on the context in which they are working.

Maintaining Class Rep Systems

This short Report provides guidance on approaching the recruitment and election of class representatives. It outlines the ‘class rep lifecycle’ and some key considerations for maintaining effective and supported class rep systems in an era of remote learning.  Students’ union officers, student engagement staff, quality officers, and senior managers will find this report useful when preparing for the new academic year.

Resources for Induction and Orientation

This ‘Quick Guide’ provides suggestions and tips for promoting and embedding the message of student engagement through induction and orientation, and is useful in both a remote learning context and on-campus setting.  A toolkit is also provided which  provides a template orientation presentation.

Effective Staff-Student Committees

This ‘quick guide’ can support the ongoing development and enhancement of student engagement within formal and semi-formal governance committees, including Programme Boards and Student-Staff Forums. The Guide may also inform the creation of temporary staff-student meetings during the crisis, ensuring that these formal opportunities can continue, albeit in an online format.

An additional short guide is provided below with some practical tips for hosting online staff-student committees.

Quick Guide for Staff who Teach during Remote Learning

As higher education transitions to online teaching and assessment, it is critical that lines of communication between staff and students remain open, ensuring that students are not only heard, but that they are also key participants in decision-making and governance.  This ‘quick guide’ contains useul tips for effective online feedback and communication, as well as suggestions for hosting online programme boards and staff-student committees.

Quick Guide for Class Reps during Remote Learning

This short guide provides practical suggestions and ideas for class reps on how to engage with their class and collaborate with staff during remote learning.

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