by Hannah Kelly | May 30, 2023 | Get Involved, NStEP News, Uncategorized
We have extended the call for new Case Studies to join our Student Engagement Hub, the new deadline for Submissions is June 22nd. Early this year, NStEP launched a new resources hub for student engagement. The hub showcases best practices in student engagement from...
by Rachael Sarsfield Ryan | Apr 26, 2023 | Get Involved, NStEP News, Student Training Programme, Uncategorized
The 2023 Call for NStEP Student Trainers has opened! We are seeking enthusiastic, approachable and innovative students to join the NStEP team to deliver training across the country in academic year 2023/24. Student trainers play a vital role in NStEP’s work to foster...
by Hannah Kelly | Mar 20, 2023 | Get Involved, NStEP News
The National Student Engagement Network is back again! Each NStEP network event for staff and student reps provides a chance to consider some of the big topics in student engagement. The National Student Engagement Network – supported by the NStEP partners in...
by Hannah Kelly | Nov 2, 2022 | Get Involved, Institutional support, Membership, NStEP News, Quality Assurance, Student Engagement Resources
The last National Student Engagement Network to be held in-person at (what was then called) the Institute of Technology Carlow, was just days before the initial higher education shut down due to the pandemic. Much has changed since, so the next NStEP network event for...
by Hannah Kelly | Mar 23, 2022 | Get Involved, Institutional support, Membership, NStEP News, Student engagement workshop
The National Student Engagement Programme (NStEP) is delighted to welcome Marino Institute of Education (MIE) as a new participating institution in the programme. MIE and MIE Students’ Union recently signed a short partnership agreement to work with NStEP to enhance...
by Rachael Sarsfield Ryan | Feb 23, 2022 | Get Involved, NStEP News, Postgraduate, Student Training Programme, Students
The National Student Engagement Programme (NStEP) is pleased to announce the second annual Student Voice Summit. This event is aimed at students who take on representative or advocacy roles, who are interested in student engagement issues, or who work with staff or...