National Student Engagement Network

Event Report – 29th November 2023

Thank you to the teams at RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences and RCSI Students’ Union for their support in organising and hosting this exciting opportunity to bring students and staff from across the Irish higher education sector together again.

The event was focused on the topic of ‘Student Engagement, Wellbeing and Belonging‘, with updates on our joint ‘Student Engagement, Wellbeing and Beloning’ project with Healthy Campus Ireland.

Speakers at the event included students sharing their work on student-staff partnership projects on the topics of student engagement, wellbeing and belonging, updates on NStEP’s Student Training Programme for this academic year so far, and of course our keynote speaker, Megan Brown of sparqs, on the consultation process of their recently developed Student Learning Experience (SLE) pinwheel, and how the SLE can be used when it comes to using student engagement to enhance student wellbeing and belonging.

If you weren’t able to join us in-person, please find the speaker presentations below, as well as our Event Report which includes contributor and attendee perspectives on the event.

Student Wellbeing, Belonging and Engagement Project

Níamh Murtagh – NStEP Development Coordinator

Student Wellbeing, Belonging and Engagment
The Student Engagement Belonging and Wellbeing Project commenced in June of this year, a brand-new role to NStEP. The 18-month project in partnership with the HEA Healthy Campus Ireland, is focused on how authentic student partnerships promote and instill a sense of belonging and wellbeing within their Higher Education Institution.
The update included findings from our series of consultations, international research, progress, and next steps for the project. 

NStEP Student Training Programme Updates

Rachael Sarsfield Ryan – NStEP Development Coordinator

Student Training Programme Updates
This session shared updates of the uptake of the Student Training Programme so far this academic year, an update on the Class Rep Census Project which is in its second year, and on the newly launched ‘Governance & Student Representation’ online module and accompanying toolkit. 

The Student Learning Experience Model

Megan Brown – Development Consultant, sparqs

Creating a Sense of Belonging through the Student Learning Experience
This session explored sparq’s recently redevloped Student Learning Experience model, the consultation and redevelopment process, and reflections on student engagement and belonging.

Promoting a Culture of Belonging and Wellbeing in RCSI

Professor Celine Marmion – Deputy Dean for Student Engagement
RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences

StEP Project
This session was focused on the work being carried out to promote and strengthen student engaqgement and partnership in RCSI. 

Thriving in Research Careers: A Strength-Based Career Development Plan for Postgraduate Scholars

Jennifer Donnelly – PhD Scholar
RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences

StEP Project
This session highlighted on one of RCSI’s student-led Student Engagement Programme (StEP) Projects, which focused on creating strength-based career development plans for postgraduate scholars. 

StEP Project Schwartz Rounds

Nadim Sayani & Mark Polemidiotis – Graduate Entry Medicine Students
RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences

StEP Project
This session highlighted another student-led StEP Project in RCSI, which focused on the implementation of Schwartz Rounds for medical students as a solution to student burn-out, mental strain, feelings and thoughts of hopelessness and a lack of social output.

Wellbeing Through the Lens of Student Engagement

Yvonne Kennedy – Wellbeing Officer/Healthy Campus Coordinator
Atlantic Technological University Sligo

Wellbeing Through the Lens of Student Engagement
This session explored Yvonne’s investigation into what the campus population at the Atlantic Technological University Sligo identify as the essential elements of a Healthy Campus as part of the research for her MA in Leadership in Workplace Health and Wellbeing.

Staff Parallel Session

Níamh Murtagh – NStEP Development Coordinator

Staff Parellel Session on Student Engagement, Wellbeing & Belonging Project
The session brought staff from across the sector to identify where wellbeing and support structures lie within the context of the Student Learning Experience. We discussed where students are involved in the implementation of these processes, if there are areas where wellbeing considerations are stronger than others and where belonging can be championed. 

Student Parallel Session

Rachael Sarsfield Ryan – NStEP Development Coordinator

Student Parellel Session on Student Engagement, Wellbeing & Belonging Project
Students attending the event were asked to share their experiences of student engagement, wellbeing and belonging activities and practices in their respective institutions through the lenses of the 5 Principles of Student Engagement in NStEP’s ‘Steps to Partnership Framework’ in this session.