Participating Higher Educations Institutions

Full list of higher education institutions currently partnered with NStEP

Atlantic Technological University

Atlantic Technological University

Carlow College

Carlow College

CCT College Dublin

CCT College Dublin

Dorset College

Dorset College

Dublin Business School

Dublin Business School

Dublin City University

Dublin City University

Dundalk Institute of Technology

Dundalk Institute of Technology

Griffith College

Griffith College

Hibernia College

Hibernia College

Holmes Institute Dublin

Holmes Institute Dublin

IBAT College Dublin

IBAT College Dublin

Independent College Dublin

Independent College Dublin

Institute of Art, Design + Technology

Institute of Art, Design + Technology

Marino Institute of Education

Marino Institute of Education

Maynooth University

Maynooth University

Munster Technological University

Munster Technological University

National College of Art & Design

National College of Art & Design

National College of Ireland

National College of Ireland

RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences

RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences

Royal Irish Academy of Music

Royal Irish Academy of Music

St. Angela's College, Sligo

St. Angela's College, Sligo

South East Technological University

South East Technological University

Technological University of Dublin

Technological University of Dublin

Technological University of the Shannon

Technological University of the Shannon

Trinity College Dublin

Trinity College Dublin

University College Cork

University College Cork

University of Galway

University of Galway

University of Limerick

University of Limerick

National Experts NStEP Works With

National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education

The role of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education is to enhance the quality of the learning experience for all students at third level, be they full-time, part-time or flexible learners.

The Forum brings together all of those involved in shaping third-level teaching and learning in Ireland in order to support and develop excellent practices already underway in many of our Universities, Institutes of Technology and Private Colleges. Engaging with leaders, managers, teachers and students across all institutes of education at third level in Ireland the Forum will mobilise expertise and inputs from across the entire sector to shape best practice in all institutes of education.

Vision of the Forum
Under the guidance of its Board, whose members are chosen to represent the different areas of expertise in teaching and learning, the Forum engages in a range of activities aimed at:

  • Championing all those who contribute to great teaching and learning in third level education
  • Inspiring great practice, by celebrating examples of teaching that have a strong and positive impact on learning
  • Developing teachers and learners
  • Benchmarking best practice in professional development,
  • Building e-learning capacity
  • Enabling innovation in a fast-changing educational environment

The Irish Survey of Student Engagement ( was launched in 2014 after a successful national pilot in 2013. The survey collects data on students’ engagement with their learning and learning environments. The main purpose of the survey is to provide benefits to each institution (students and staff) by helping to improve feedback and supporting appropriate action. Objectives include:

  • To increase transparency in relation to the student experience in higher education institutions
  • To enable direct student input on levels of engagement and satisfaction with their higher education institution
  • To identify good practice that enhances the student experience
  • To assist institutions to identify issues and challenges affecting the student experience
  • To serve as a guide for continual enhancement of institutions’ teaching and learning and student engagement
  • To document the experiences of the student population, thus enabling year on year comparisons of key performance indicators
  • To provide insight into student opinion on important issues of higher education policy and practice
  • To facilitate comparison with other higher education systems internationally is managed as a collaborative partnership. It is co-sponsored by the Higher Education Authority (HEA), institutions’ representative bodies (Institutes of Technology Ireland, THEA, and the Irish Universities Association, IUA) and the Union of Students in Ireland (USI). The partnership approach in place is an important feature of the project. Working groups, consisting of institutions’ and students’ representatives, manage the national project.

Student Volunteer Ireland

Student Volunteer Ireland ( is a social enterprise driven by Irish higher education institutions that have created together a national collaborative platform and a shared online resource to connect students and Volunteer Involving Organisations such as community groups, charities, schools, hospitals, public bodies, non profits and NGOs across Ireland.

Student Volunteer Ireland manage the innovative software and comprise of Executive, Management and Advisory Groups to guide the growth and development of student volunteering iniatives for enabling and rewarding student volunteering.

Student Volunteer Ireland’s goal is consolidate, strengthen, enable, and promote higher education student volunteering in Ireland. Their work focuses on delivering higher education civic engagement policies and practices by acknowledging, sustaining, growing, reporting, researching, and recognising student volunteers across the sector.