Reflection on Student Rep Role

This reflective report is for student reps who are working to complete the final step (step 3) toward achieving one of NStEP’s Student Engagement Recognition Awards.  The reflective report will ask you to reflect on your work and experiences as a student representative for the academic year, focusing on areas such as your achievements, challenges you experienced, and identifying supports that helped you (or would have helped you) in the role. Responses will anonymised by NStEP.  At the end of the form you will also be asked to upload evidence that you have successfully completed the NStEP milestones necessary toward achieving your award. 

Before you complete the form below, we strongly recommend that you read our guide to completing the reflective report and check what milestones you will need to upload.  

Submissions are NOT currently being accepted
Submissions will re-open in 2025.

Reflective Report Submission Form