The Class Rep Census Project was established by the National Student Engagement Programme (NStEP) in 2022, with the aim of directly ask students to share more information about themselves to provide us with a snapshot of the diversity of student representation in Irish Higher Education.

The Census Project is run annually, and this is the second year (2023/24) that the project has been carried out. This data collection is carried out via a survey that is embedded within the ‘Introductory Class Rep Training’ Feedback form that is circulated to all participants of the Introductory Class Rep Training (ICRT) sessions.

Students are informed prior to taking the survey of the following:

  •  Their responses are anonymous
  • Their responses will not be shared with their higher education
  • Not all questions may apply to them, and they may not know
    the answer to every question, and,
  • They don’t have to answer these questions if they don’t want to.

This year the survey had 279 respondents across 21 higher education institutions that are partnered with the National Student Engagement Programme.

To read the report, please click the button or the image on the right.