The National Student Engagement Programme (NStEP) recently launched a new Strategy 2019-2021, setting out a vision for the development and enhancement of student engagement in Irish higher education. In order to realize that strategy and vision, NStEP is now seeking applications from staff and students to a new National Advisory Group for Student Engagement.

The National Advisory Group for Student Engagement will have a huge role in ensuring that NStEP is meeting it’s ambitions for student engagement and partnership. The Group will consider the strategy and the programme’s plan of work, advising on actions and projects that can embed meaningful staff-student partnership. Members of the Group will be able to shape the national agenda for student engagement, receive reports from NStEP staff, and gain an experience of creating change in Irish higher education.
To learn more about the work that the Advisory Group will be supporting, check out the NStEP Strategy 2019-2021.
The membership of the Advisory Group will consist of students, representative bodies, academic staff, professional support staff, and an NStEP Student Trainer. The group will be co-chaired by the USI Vice President for Academic Affairs and a representative from either the QQI or the HEA on a rotational basis.
To find out more about the remit of the Advisory Group you can find the ‘terms of reference’ here.
We are now seeking applications from staff and students across Irish higher education. Two academic staff, two professional/support staff, and four students will be appointed to join the existing Advisory Group members (see the ‘terms of reference’ mentioned above).
We are seeking applications from individuals who are motivated and passionate about active student voice and meaningful engagement between students and staff across their institutions. When applying you should be able to demonstrate this commitment to student engagement.
There will be four meetings per academic year, each lasting for a half of a working day. You will be asked to review papers in advance of meetings. The terms of reference details the work of the Group.
You will be invited to engage in other NStEP activities from time-to-time, but you will not be expected to get involved if you aren’t available beyond the four agreed meetings.
Student members will receive a stipend of €12.30 per hour, plus expenses.
Application Process
To apply you have to complete a short form outlining your experience and motivation.
The student application form is here.
The staff application form is here.
Applications close at 5pm, Friday 13th December 2019. Applicants will be informed in the new year whether or not they have been successful.
If you have any queries about the National Advisory Group or the application process, please don’t hesitate to contact Oisín at